APPS ANDROID-Apple Watch: Get Ready To Control Your Volvo Cars-ANDROIDKAWE - Welcome to ANDROID KAWE, Ini adalah sebuah blog directory tentang burung,baik itu suara burung ataupun tips perawatan burung.Blog ini adalah situs perangkum otomatis dari pencarian google yang kali ini berjudul APPS ANDROID-Apple Watch: Get Ready To Control Your Volvo Cars-ANDROIDKAWE.Ada ribuan artikel yang sudah terekam ke dalam situs ini,silahkan cari sesuai yang kalian kehendaki,untuk artikel selanjutnya tentang judul diatas bisa kalian baca di bawah ini.
Konten : APPS ANDROID-Apple Watch: Get Ready To Control Your Volvo Cars-ANDROIDKAWE
Judul : APPS ANDROID-Apple Watch: Get Ready To Control Your Volvo Cars-ANDROIDKAWE
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Konten : APPS ANDROID-Apple Watch: Get Ready To Control Your Volvo Cars-ANDROIDKAWE
Judul : APPS ANDROID-Apple Watch: Get Ready To Control Your Volvo Cars-ANDROIDKAWE
APPS ANDROID-Apple Watch: Get Ready To Control Your Volvo Cars-ANDROIDKAWE
Being a car owner, sometime it feels so bad when you forget your keys somewhere, or left door unlocked. And we human always make things work like as we want. Now automobiles are working towards making smart automobiles.
After luxurious automobile maker Porsche and BMW car app for Apple Watch. Now, it's Swedish automaker, Volvo has announced to make their automobile controllable through Apple watch.
Volvo has built an edition of Apple Watch for its On Call connected car platform, which will be safer and traceable in case of accidents, breakdown and theft. Others features could be turn on car remotely, turn on climate control function, locate your car, check fuel level and more.
Source: [ Wired ]
After luxurious automobile maker Porsche and BMW car app for Apple Watch. Now, it's Swedish automaker, Volvo has announced to make their automobile controllable through Apple watch.
Volvo has built an edition of Apple Watch for its On Call connected car platform, which will be safer and traceable in case of accidents, breakdown and theft. Others features could be turn on car remotely, turn on climate control function, locate your car, check fuel level and more.
Source: [ Wired ]
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Tag :
Apple Watch Apps,
Car Apps