APPS ANDROID-Augment Reality: Restructuring Retail Industry-ANDROIDKAWE - Welcome to ANDROID KAWE, Ini adalah sebuah blog directory tentang burung,baik itu suara burung ataupun tips perawatan burung.Blog ini adalah situs perangkum otomatis dari pencarian google yang kali ini berjudul APPS ANDROID-Augment Reality: Restructuring Retail Industry-ANDROIDKAWE.Ada ribuan artikel yang sudah terekam ke dalam situs ini,silahkan cari sesuai yang kalian kehendaki,untuk artikel selanjutnya tentang judul diatas bisa kalian baca di bawah ini.
Konten : APPS ANDROID-Augment Reality: Restructuring Retail Industry-ANDROIDKAWE
Judul : APPS ANDROID-Augment Reality: Restructuring Retail Industry-ANDROIDKAWE
Mark Zuckerberg the Facebook owner acquired Oculus VR. Every big company is trying to get ready for transforming their business with this future technology.
Now just imagine what else we can have with this technology. Augment Reality and retail, vow that is an amazing combination.
This technology will let us access virtual stores anytime, anywhere. We can visit store and its product as we do in real-time. even you can try several products as per your requirement.
With camera, GPS and other devices you will be in reality. This technology will increase your customer and and their engagement.
Visit this nicely written article about Augment Reality and Retail Industry.
Anda sedang membaca artikel APPS ANDROID-Augment Reality: Restructuring Retail Industry-ANDROIDKAWE dan artikel ini url permalinknya adalah Semoga artikel ini bisa bermanfaat.Sekali lagi,ini adalah situs auto yang tidak ditulis langsung oleh admin,Kami tidak menjamin akan kebenaran dari artikel yang tertulis.
Konten : APPS ANDROID-Augment Reality: Restructuring Retail Industry-ANDROIDKAWE
Judul : APPS ANDROID-Augment Reality: Restructuring Retail Industry-ANDROIDKAWE
APPS ANDROID-Augment Reality: Restructuring Retail Industry-ANDROIDKAWE
"Augment reality is a term for live direct or indirect view of physical real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sensory input such as sound video graphics or GPS data."Google with Google Glass and Google Cardboard and Microsoft with Microsoft Hololens are already working with technology for the betterment of web and user experience. Recently Apple showed interest in this field by acquiring the Metaio. Metaio is the big name in augmented reality and it has done so much in this field.
Mark Zuckerberg the Facebook owner acquired Oculus VR. Every big company is trying to get ready for transforming their business with this future technology.
Now just imagine what else we can have with this technology. Augment Reality and retail, vow that is an amazing combination.
This technology will let us access virtual stores anytime, anywhere. We can visit store and its product as we do in real-time. even you can try several products as per your requirement.
With camera, GPS and other devices you will be in reality. This technology will increase your customer and and their engagement.
Visit this nicely written article about Augment Reality and Retail Industry.
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Tag :
Augmented Reality