ANDROID-How To Make Structured Api From A Website For Your App In No Time-ANDROIDKAWE

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ANDROID-How To Make Structured Api From A Website For Your App In No Time-ANDROIDKAWE

If You want to develop a application which benefits from the data of some other website then you could probably look into the developers option on the website to check if they provide the access to their data through api or not, and if the answer is no then you can use different web scraping methods to channel the data into your app but it requires lot of work to be done to get the appropriate results

But hold on, recently launched web service Kimono helps you solve this problem by providing a easy method to turn any website into a structured api within no time. Kimono recognizes the patterns in the web content and thus intelligently makes you powerful apis. It also stores your apis into thier cloud and run it on schedule basis. Kimono comes with three different pricing solutions which are given below. Though only the free service is available right now and it is more than sufficient for medium user based app.

Here is how you can get started with Kimono, Lets say we want to make an app for this website.
So first Head over to to sign up and login into the account.

Then click on Create API, It will prompt us to download the Chrome extension/Kimono Bookmarklet. Download the chrome extension.

With the Chorme extension installed, We now need to open the website into the chrome and Click on the Extension this will open up the Kimono toolbar, Now on the webpage lets decide what properites we want to scrap for the app. I have decided to go with this properties

1. Post Title
2.Post Image
3. Post Description

Now select any one of the post title and  kimono will automatically understand the pattern and select rest of the titles on the page to let you know the similarity of your property repeat this for Images and Description. Name the properties for development reference, i have named it "Titles", "Images", "Description" respectively.

After That click on done and the name your api and select how often do you want the api to be updated, I have selected on demand and named the api as Android4dev. Now hit the done button and click on the link

Now you would be taken to your api console where you can see how your data is scraped. with a row and column view of your data as shown below

Now click on the API DOCS. Here you can select how you want to implement the api in different languages such as curl, php, node etc. It also shows you the security key for your api

Now to check the api response copy past the link as shown and open it in the browser and you would see the Json resonse of the api in your browser

And there you have it your api made in few steps, If you liked the post please share, comment  and bookmark. 

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