Android Tips-Google Play Store Tips and Tricks Every Android User Should Know-ANDROIDKAWE

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Android Tips-Google Play Store Tips and Tricks Every Android User Should Know-ANDROIDKAWE

Google Play Store is one of the main reason that people choose Android devices. There are number of great apps, widgets and games you'll found in play store, along with it there are plenty of tips and tricks that you might no know. However, only few users know that the capability of Google Play store isn’t just limited to the content or mobile apps. Apart from being an app store, it is an invaluable tool to manage your android device automatic software updates, notification settings for various apps and services and an overall personalization of your device. In this article we will share top Google play store tips and tricks that will amaze you with its benefits and will help you to improve your Android experience.

Google Play Store Tips and Tricks

1. Install an app not available in your country

If you're really keen to get an app that's not available in your country (or spotted it for cheaper in another country's Play Store, you sly old dog), then you can still get your hands on it.

Install a VPN app, like Hideninja, Shellfire or Tunnelbear VPN, which will mask your IP address and give you remote IP address in a country of your choice.
Next, select the country whose Play Store you want to access in the VPN app, get the VPN up and running, then open the Play Store app. It should land on the Play Store homepage of the country you selected.
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2. Manage your devices via the Web

In addition to accessing the on-device app store, you can reach Google Play via your Web browser. The Web interface offers an array of options that aren’t available through the Android-based app store, including the ability to see and manage all of the Android devices associated with your Google account.

To see a list of all your Android devices, visit Google Play at Click a content option in the vertical menu on the left side to see a Settings icon that looks like a small gear in the top-right of your display. Click that icon to view a list of your registered devices. (If you don’t see the Settings icon, try choosing another content option from the content menu.)

To change the name of a device in the list, click the Edit option, type the new name in the Nickname text field, and click Update to save your changes.

3. Get  A Parental Controls On Google Play

With the help of parental control you can restrict the content you can download or purchase from Google Play on your device.

  • Open the play store app
  • On left corner of the screen you'll see a Menu icon tap on it
  • Now tap on settings> Parental controls and tap the slider to turn it 'ON'
  • Create a parental lock PIN code (In case you forgot the pin, you can remove the parental lock by clearing the Plat Store app's data)
  • Choose filters, the things you can download on the Play Store and tap on the ones you wan to set restrictions for
  • Now every time you try to download the restricted apps you need to enter your PIN

4. Automatically Updating and Installed Apps on Your Devices

Fed-up with application update push notifications and want some solution? Don’t worry, Google play store has this solution. By following simple steps explained below will enable auto update for all applications installed in your android device. Here is the brief about the settings in the Google Play store which allow you to automatically update all your apps and games and you wouldn’t receive regular notifications for manual updates.
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Open your Google android device and click on menu (three vertical dots) available on top right corner and click on Setting tab. Now click on General setting where you will find option “Auto update apps”, tick the option and its done.
  • Go to Settings > General Settings > Auto-update Apps.

5. Install and Manage your Apps via the Web Interface

As explained in above options, if you want to install or manage your app from web browser, this functionality is for you. It is easier to review apps before installing if you are on a web browser rather than from your device interface. The Install or Buy button available with each app makes it easier to select and send the app to your device.

If you are using multiple android devices, this functionality will help you to send same application in multiple devices using web interface. Sometime it happens that, while surfing online we found some interesting application to use. Such apps can be directly installed in your devices from website itself.

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Tag : Android, Tricks

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